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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Education & Volunteering - What's New?

In the three months since my appointment I have been consistently overwhelmed by the exciting and inspiring opportunities that St Mary’s has to offer, particularly as a learning resource. For a building with such a tremendously diverse history I have been surprised to find that there are still a number of features and stories which remain untold. The relationship between the education and interpretation teams on this project is crucial in ensuring that these stories are brought to life in a way that is both interesting to visitors and one which inspires members of the existing congregation to see their church in new and exciting ways.

A crucial element in building the new education programme will involve working closely with partner organisations and local schools to give them the opportunity to tell us what they would like to see and take part in when the restoration is complete. University Church is a wonderfully rich learning environment and we hope that through our consultations with a variety of different groups we will be able to encourage audiences of all ages to participate in this exciting once in a lifetime project.

Helping us to tell these stories will be a team of volunteer welcomers and guides who will look after our new Welcome Desk and deliver tours to groups of visitors. Visitors to St Mary’s come for many different reasons and the welcome desk will become a place where they can find out more about the church, collect trails and leaflets and enquire about upcoming events. To find out more about joining our new volunteer team, click HERE to contact us. The deadline for these applications is January 20th 2012.

As a result of our recent volunteer photographer recruitment campaign, I am delighted to welcome Natalie to the church to head up our photography team. Natalie is an architecture student with a particularly unusual enthusiasm for scaffolding which explains her attraction to the position! I have been delighted by the positive response to this campaign and look forward to working with Natalie and the other members of the team as they capture the restoration in all of its glory over the coming months.

Lucinda Williams, Heritage Education & Volunteers Officer

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