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Monday 17 October 2011

St Mary's staff share their thoughts

Over the coming months we will be interviewing members of staff, new and old, to find out what they think of the plans for the redevelopment. This month we've been catching up with some of the clergy and staff who were working in the church when the funding was awarded:

 Canon Brian Mountford, vicar of St Mary's:

 “I am delighted that the Heritage Lottery Fund has decided to make this significant award to the University Church of St Mary the Virgin. It comes after long and careful consultation with local people, national bodies, and professional advisers as to what is best for this iconic Oxford building. In the process we have been helped to think about widening our educational outreach as well as the conservation of the fabric.

Everyone at St Mary’s is looking forward to being part of this challenging development and to the involvement of the local community in the process. As the work goes ahead both the church and theVaults and Gardens Cafe will be faced with considerable temporary restrictions, but the end-product will be a transformation to see St Mary’s through the next fifty years. I would also like to thank once again the Clore Duffield Foundation, the University of Oxford, several trusts and many individuals for donations already made.”

Ruth Rundle, Parish Administrator:

"Working at St Mary’s is an enormous privilege at the best of times but I feel incredibly lucky to be working here at such an exciting time in the Church’s history. I’m looking forward to seeing the transformation occur as the work progresses and even more, seeing the finished product!"

 Will Pouget, founding director of the Vaults and Garden CafĂ©:

 "We are very excited about these dramatic improvements to the building particularly those allowing us to host many more events (both private and community based) with much improved facilities allowing more ambitious menus and a greater hospitality service. We are proud also that our vision of using seasonal locally sourced organic& ethical produce has been so supported by the church and that being a part of these improvements will enable us to bring such produce to a wider audience.”

Lucinda Williams, Heritage Education & Volunteers Officer

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