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Monday 5 December 2011

December 2011 - Project Update

As the scaffold grows taller, progress continues behind the scenes to prepare for the commencement of the works in January and the team have turned their attention to communications. On Sunday the 27th of November there was a drop-in session in the Old Library for parishioners and visitors alike. Members of the project team were on hand to answer questions about the project and plans were available to view. On Sunday 11th December the church's Education Officer Lucinda Williams will be in conversation with Canon Brian Mountford during the morning Eucharist discussing details of the new education and volunteers programme and how we plan to bring the stories of St Mary's to life.

Photograph by Natalie Nolan

On Thursday the 17th of November the development project was featured in the Oxford Times and we hope that the Times will run several follow-up features on various aspects of the project. To view this article, click HERE.

More details will follow in future newsletters on a community project to decorate the hoarding around the church and we anticipate that the scaffold will be have printed images focusing on the heritage of St Mary’s on several sides of the tower.
Sophie Slade, Project Coordinator

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