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Monday 16 January 2012

January 2012 - Project Update

After the New Year we came back to a flurry of activity in readiness for handing over the north-east corner of the church to the building contractor. The vestry/sacristy has been moved to a new temporary location in the former Vaults Café office. The shop has been temporarily moved to the north-west corner of the church near the font. There has been a lot of clearing and sorting of various parts of the church. We are working closely with the contractor to develop the protection for the organ in such a way that it can be played during the next phase of the work, although there will inevitably be some muffling of the sound.

From the 11th of January the shop, De Brome Chapel, chancel, café, library and tower will be in the possession of our contractor EJ Beard. The next few months will undoubtedly be some of the most challenging for all concerned however I hope to update you on the progress of the work whenever I can. Working with our Education Officer Luci, we aim to give you more information on some of the processes and rationale for various aspects of the work in due course.

Sophie Slade, Project Coordinator

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