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Saturday 4 February 2012

January in Pictures - Part II

Week 3 – Not for the faint hearted
With the scaffolding around the main body of the Tower now complete, the team begin the heady job of extending the framework up the spire.



Week 4 – That’s a lot of bubble wrap!
The historic stone pillars are one of the many structures in the church to be protected from damage during the works with layers of bubble wrap.

All photographs (c) 2012, Natalie Nolan, David Goodwin, Richard Taylor

Coming up in February.......
  • The Adam de Brome gains a storey
  • The bells are removed from the Tower for conservation
  • We meet the people behind the hard hats

Lucinda Williams, Heritage Education & Volunteers Officer

1 comment:

  1. Hi i have been watching the scaffolding going up with interest. I thought you might like to see my photos at tesswyatt@blogspot.com
